We Deliver the Best Online Advertising Solution

What Do We Offer

Pay Per Click

By taking complete access of your Google AdWords accounts, we will be fully responsible to provide you the right leads and audience and we never waste your hard-earned money against the unnecessary click. With our professional services, target the right geographic and audience according to your business interest. Set up your AdWords campaigns today with us for maximum success.

Search Engine Optimization

Control the first page of Google and Rank #1 for keywords that help for your business. With our in-house SEO Experts your website will get the targeted visitor’s month by month. Our professional SEO services are custom-made to take care of your website’s On and Off Page Optimization needs. We always keep our self-updated of Google’s latest guidelines and make sure that your website always a step ahead of your competitors. Optimize your web content, HTML source code, conduct a comprehensive SEO audit of your website today.

Pay Per Click

By taking complete access of your Google AdWords accounts, we will be fully responsible to provide you the right leads and audience and we never waste your hard-earned money against the unnecessary click. With our professional services, target the right geographic and audience according to your business interest. Set up your AdWords campaigns today with us for maximum success.

Search Engine Optimization

Control the first page of Google and Rank #1 for keywords that help for your business. With our in-house SEO Experts your website will get the targeted visitor’s month by month. Our professional SEO services are custom-made to take care of your website’s On and Off Page Optimization needs. We always keep our self-updated of Google’s latest guidelines and make sure that your website always a step ahead of your competitors. Optimize your web content, HTML source code, conduct a comprehensive SEO audit of your website today.

Social Media Marketing

Convert your Business as a brand so that people will search your business by its name not by keywords. Turn your followers into brand representatives and boost your business authority via social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Our Working Process

Our process on creating awesome projects.
  • 1. Website Analysing

    Find and Fixing the Website onsite problems related to CSS, Development or others

  • 2. Comptetor Research

    Evaluate the website against the competitors and identifying the opportunities

  • 3. Keyword Research

    Finding the right keywords for your business so that you will get the right audience for your business

  • 4.Quality Backlinks

    Creating the quality backlinks and content marketing will help to push the traffic to your website in less time


    Projects Completed


    Happy Customers


    Cups Of Coffee




    About Me

    My Name is Ashish and i am a creative digital marketing consultant, helps clients generate leads, drive site traffic, and build their brands through useful, well-designed marketing strategies. 7 years of experience in working with B2C and B2B brands across the globe. Digital marketing is my passion and I love what I do, I breathe it. In the past 7 Years, I worked with 10 Industries, 25+ Startups Consulting, 45 Projects Accomplished Successfully and counting...

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Ashish Gupta

    Digital Marketing Consultant

    Our web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team.

    Get in Touch

    Feel free to drop us a line to contact us



    Feel free To Contact

    Thank you for showing interest in Tecnilogics. We appreciate your business. We at Tecnilogics work fast and together to build authentic stand-apart solutions that will help to define your brand value and market relevance.

    • B 33 Sector 6 Noida
    • +918527607244
    • ashishgupta0907@gmail.com
    • wwww.tecnilogics.com